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Position:Home>History> Cold War pros/cons?

Question:What are the Pros/Cons of it
like in UR opinion did u think it was a total waste being involved in this war and hurt us more then helped
do u think our involvement was good

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are the Pros/Cons of it
like in UR opinion did u think it was a total waste being involved in this war and hurt us more then helped
do u think our involvement was good

Do you prefer freedom with problems, or dictatorship with no escape?

Or, better Red than Dead?

It was not a choice, it was a condition of conflict and threats of was with which all had to cope, depending on the accident of your birth. You were either in the Soviet Bloc or not. Otherwise you where in desperate straits in a third world country itself ruled by another dictator.

aIt worked out very well in there.