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Position:Home>History> Who invented the concept of time?

Question:Thank you so much for your help :)

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The concept of time had already been around in the earliest civilizations of man. Every culture had its own method, based on certain important events. Ancient Egyptian calendar for example had 360 days (3 seasons with 4 months each, where a month is made up of 30 days). The seasons of the Egyptian calendar corresponds with the cycle of the Nile called akhet. Ancient Hebrews based their month from one new moon to the next, the exact period being 29 days, 12 hours and 793 halakhim. The Hebrews divided their hour to 1080 halakhim. According to historians, the early calendar system which was the most difficult to understand was that of the Greek's. Our present system of dividing the day into 24 hours, the hour into 60 minutes, and the minute into 60 seconds came from the Babylonians although some experts believe that the Babylonians most probably copied it only from the Sumerians.

the sun.

Prehistoric man used the sun and seasons and then the future generations tweaked it. The chinese and greeks etc

Humans beings must of invented time because its something that couldn't of existed before Human Beings.

read your Bible. Book of Genesis. 7 days total, 6 days of creation, 7th day rest. When God created the sun and moon. The Bible talks about the beginning of time and seasons. its all there. Bible is amazing.

if Christopher Columbus had read the Bible he would have known the earth is round. The Bible calls it a circle.


The illusion of time is a consequence of having more than one moving object in space. Time is a measurement of this illusion.

By the way, the calculation of the second of time also gives us the length of 1 metre, and from that metre is derived the measurements of litres and kilos.

OrangeMochaFrapucino. 365 days in a year. Too complicated to work with. Shortened to 360 degrees of earth. So 360 seconds in an hour. 24 hours in the cycle of 1 day.

Clock makers

No one invented it, time is a concept that is known to most animals, even insects. However, Kant was the first philosopher that suspected it might be a mental scheme created by mankind to better understand reality. Didn't know about insects, did he.

"Time" has always existed...its just a matter of who put a name to it and provided a way to calculate and keep track of it.
Early time-telling all started with the sun, of course. Back when they didn't even have watches, people could tell the time of day by where the sun was in the sky.
I'm not sure who invented to whole 24-hour-in-a-day thing, but obviously thats where things ended up....

i don't know but i wished they'd given us a couple more hours in the day!

Man invented it, and lives by it. :D You're welocme

Father Time old guy with big grey beard, nice guy...

Timex,,, They had to because they had loads of Watches to sell

Our ability to look upon our surroundings and utilise rhythmical events to gauge the course of our actions is in its most basic sense; our ability to decipher the difference between night and day. Most species therefore are in some way, shape or form aware of the concept of time. Without this familiarisation living would be very difficult for creatures who need to hunt at certain times, dig burrows at certain times, avoid capture at certain times etc. Of course there is the argument that instinct is the only thing that guides these animals sense of timing and therefore it is not a conciously defined concept. However, the modern human concept has evolved gradually from that primitive state and therefore it is very difficult to pinpoint a time when this modern concept became so.

We know that early religious shrines show evidence that peoples observation of the sun, moon and stars has been quite sophisticated for maybe 8000 years or more. It seems that these early forms of civilization had a fixation on their ability to count time via these celestial means. The neccessity for such behaviour is apparent in any form of civilized life. Work needs to be done, future events need to be organized and past needs to be remembered. The birth of civilization was largely due to the invention of organised agriculture. Mans ability to effectively utilise crops and animals were dependant on his ability to understand time. The seasons needed to be understood in order for success. Ability to predict future events is dependant on the individuals ability to understand timing.

Man has constantly needed to redefine and refine his concept of time based upon the knowledge of the day and sometimes the accuracy of his clock. If time only exists as a concept then that concept is still applicable to our surroundings. However whether time itself is a real 'entity' is kind of an irrelevant question for us as we cannot escape the reality of our mortality on this earth. What we seem to know is that causes always precede effects; all actions have reactions. So to answer this question accurately the question may need to be asked in such a manner as defining a specific concept of time as a general concept may have existed in the minds of individuals for untold eons. Like all good concepts, the concept of time evolved into being over time[ironically] and from neccessity to regulate and refine the compromise of how we apply our energies to the ever changing world around us.

wow. that is a very good question. i have never quite thought it over before, but maybe the Egyptions? the Aztecs and Mayans were pretty advanced time-wise too..... thanks : D

The Arabs devised the 60 minutes sixty seconds idea as they based their mathematics on the base 60 also they devised 360 degrees in a circle concept.
Again this can be broken down into 60s by degree.

God did when he created Heaven, Earth and the Universe.

the cavemen used the sun to keep track of time.

Probably the first humans, if not the animals. The first concept of time would have been the concept of day and night.

Defo not my Hubby prods as he has absolutely NO concept of time !!!!!

It may be the sun.