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Position:Home>History> Would Ancient Egyptians be considered Persians or Turks?

Question:In Age of Empires II, I have this scenario about Ancient Egypt and what would be a better choice for Ancient Egyptians? Persians or Turks?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In Age of Empires II, I have this scenario about Ancient Egypt and what would be a better choice for Ancient Egyptians? Persians or Turks?

Neither. Egyptians then were nubian, greek or mesopotamian if you study their language and leaders. Names like Ptolomy, Cleopatra are distinctively greek whereas names such as hatchepsut, nefertiti and ramses are purely egyptian. Alexandria egypt has many european intermarried with the egyptian and africans that live there. Cairo and Memphis have more nubian and north african mixtures thus look more indian and exotic. So to answer your question, I would say Persians would pass more for egyptians than the turks.

Egyptians were their own culture.Later they came under Arab influence. Late still, Egypt became part of the Ottoman Empire when the country was conquered by the Turks