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Position:Home>History> Cromwell Hero or Villain?

Question:History Assessment Help.. Was Cromwell a Hero or a Villain?
I got the Villain part but cant fynd anything about him being Hero..
Help on Why Cromwell was a Hero?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: History Assessment Help.. Was Cromwell a Hero or a Villain?
I got the Villain part but cant fynd anything about him being Hero..
Help on Why Cromwell was a Hero?!

He was both. A hero to some and a villain to others and rightly so at the time he lived. You cannot judge him by the standards of today as the world was a very different place in the 1500s and 1600s. I doubt whether any good source would depict him as one or the other. The main works on Cromwell are:
'Oliver Cromwell' by Barry Coward [1991]
'The Lord Protector' by Antonia Fraser [1973]
'Oliver Cromwell' by C.V. Wedgwood{1973]
These books should be available at a good library
From what I have seen of material on the net, it isn't of much use.

Cromwell from the Disney Halloween Town movies? lol