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Position:Home>History> Mummy help (Ancient Egyptian)?

Question:Does anyone know why they were called mummies?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know why they were called mummies?

- i choose best answer, 10 points.....

I did not know this one so I looked it up and found a pretty interesting site. Here is a direct quote from the word origin and a link so you can see more.

Where did the word 'mummy' come from? How did we get it? The word 'mummy' is not of Egyptian origin, but is derived from the Arabic 'mumiyah,' which means 'body preserved by wax or bitumen'.

Hope this helps you.

I am going to read more about mummies. :D

Because they were mummified

because of the mummification process. Im sure thats not what "they" called it, but its what we call it/them. I think the word origin of"mummification" is latin...