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Position:Home>History> So Hitler was the Fuhrer, and Mussolini was Il Dulce, what was Stalin? did he ha

Question:if he didn't please say so. but was there a way to respectfully refer to Stalin during WWII or just during Soviet Union??

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if he didn't please say so. but was there a way to respectfully refer to Stalin during WWII or just during Soviet Union??

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churchill, and FDR called him uncle Joe. during the war he assumed the title of marshall stalin. his close people called him the boss, but not to his face. some old comrads call him koba, a name he went by in the early days of the revolution. i'd call him the the butcher on the volga.

general secetarry would be the proper name
stalin loosly translates to the man of steel he changed his last name

His nickname was ,"The Boss".

Hazyain (owner, the boss)

Rosevelt used to call him uncle joe so americans would like him better.

catwoman is correct. roosevelt also got us into WWII to save his favourite uncle joe from hitler

As the ruler of Russia, Stalin did not obtain any new titles, but his name was changed to Stalin meaning man of steel for the purpose of seeming strong.

"Stalin" was his nickname. Stalin=man of steel. His birth name was Ioseb Vissarionovich Jugashvili.

If you had ever seen him,you would probably call him Shorty.Stalin was barely five feet tall.

About Stalin, I don't know, but fidel is called in Cuba "el comandante". Lately, it is called "el coma andante"

Among the no comunists it is called "el caballo", and other unpublishable names