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Position:Home>History> Assessment of the New Deal?

Question:Could anyone explain to me some things about Roosevelt's New Deal? Like... Roosevelt's New Deal programs and the goals/impact of the programs, the critiques of the New Deal, the "Second New Deal," and the legacy/impact of the New Deal.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Could anyone explain to me some things about Roosevelt's New Deal? Like... Roosevelt's New Deal programs and the goals/impact of the programs, the critiques of the New Deal, the "Second New Deal," and the legacy/impact of the New Deal.

Thanks for your feedback!

The New Deal provided a safety net for the unemployed and handicapped. The safety net has grown larger but the idea is to protect against our financial nightmares.
Advocates of the New Deal might argue that these programs helped the economy. Critics find very little evidence that these programs improved the economy and some say they may have delayed recovery from the Depression.
It is common wisdom that large gaps between the wealthy and poor is not good. Taxing the wealthy to help the less wealthy is a controversial idea. Providing education and other economic advantages to the entire population is generally more acceptable. Trickle down economics would argue that any kind of wealth creation is good because expenditures of the wealthy provide an economic engine for the good of everyone.
Putting aside liberal versus conservative and Democrat versus Republican, the question might be can we make our economic pie larger or assume that the main concern is fairly dividing what we have.

Porbably more than you need to know can be found here or with it's links