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Position:Home>History> What were some positive outcomes of WWII?

Question:Sources are greatly appreciated. I do have access to most databases for high school and colleges.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sources are greatly appreciated. I do have access to most databases for high school and colleges.

This is a toughie, aside from Hitler being dead a lot of the "good" outcomes of WWII are debatable. Still, some stuff I suppose:

It was the death knell for colonialism. India, Vietnam, Korea, Indonesia among others all became independent more or less directly as a result of WW2.

There are at least some good aspects to the UN and Israel, both debatably a result of WW2. IE the idea that everyone should have a homeland and that nations should solve their issues through dialogue rather than war are good things, even if the UN and Israel can be criticized.

I like the Nuremberg Principle: ("I was only following orders" is not a defence in war crimes.)

A lot of really cheesy but moving WW2 movies that really positively influenced my childhood and that of other impressionable baby boomers. That's good, right?

greatest outcome was Hitler got creamed

the world was saved from evil
new countries were born nv
i suck

The Nazi regime was shut down and a lot of countries gained freedom in the years following. Germany was totally rebuilt; physically, governmentally, socailly - the works. Europe (for the most part) was united in one cause - defeating the Axis powers and in the rebuilding.

Also, the war forced us to technologically out-do the opponent - a thing that was relatively new. Science saw countless breakthroughs along with the militaries of the countries involved. This war sparked the huge industrial, scientific, and manufacturing era that has happened since then. Without WWII, who knows where we'd be. It's almost unquestionable that we would be much less advanced than we are now.

We won and my Father lived.