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Question:I am doing a project for my women's studies class, and I am selecting about 4-5 different women, discussing what they did and what their contributions were to our world.
So far I have selected Marie Curie. What other women should I write about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am doing a project for my women's studies class, and I am selecting about 4-5 different women, discussing what they did and what their contributions were to our world.
So far I have selected Marie Curie. What other women should I write about?

Hariet Tubman, Queen Elizabeth, Joan of Arc, and Virgina Wolfe

Oh, my. There are so many. How about Nefertiti? Cleopatra? Nowadays there is Diana Ross; start researching...Modern nursing (Clara Barton)...Women's liberation...The anti-booze movement...Pacifists...

Florence Nightingale

Berta von Suttner (Nobel price for peace)

interesting might be Sophie Scholl - see link

Joan of Arc, Clara Barton and Amelia Ehrhart (sp?) first come to mind. Search for "Women in History", you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Gosh, there are too many just to pick a few...

Let's start with Sappho from the ancient times for the arts;
we had Joan of Arc for the Middle Ages;
talking about female history, we must mention Emmeline Pankhurst; of course
There should be an important female figure for the present too, so how about Marylin Monroe? I know she's not that kind of women you are looking for, but she will be remembered much better than Shikibu, for example.

Boudicca (sometimes called Boducia) Queen of the Iceni, who rebelled against the fascist superpower of her day, the Romans.

Hatshepust, the female pharoah of ancient Egypt
Boadicea, the queen of the iceni tribe in roman Britain who led a massive rebellion against the might of Rome
Hypatia, the 6th-century Greek philosopher
Matilda, who was named heir to the throne of england by her father Henry I, but done out of her title by her cousin Stephen, who had to spend the rest of his reign fighting her
Hildegarde of Bingen, 12th century nun, philosopher, composer
Christine de Pisan, the first professional woman writer
Joan of Arc, the peasant girl who led the French army against the english, raised the seige of orleans, and crowned the Dauphin King of France, all while still a teenager
Elizabeth I, england's first succesful woman ruler, managed to hang onto her throne for 44.
Mary, Queen of Scots, Elizabeth's ill-fated cousin
Pocahontas, America's first heroine
Anne Hutchinson,t he religious radical who created a stir in Massachusettes.
Deborah Sampson, who fought in the Revolutionary War disguised as a man.
Charlotte Corday, who tried to put a stop to the French Revolution by murdering Marat in his bath
Madame Tussaud, the famous artist in wax, who had a unique view of the French Revolution, a friend of the royal family, and of revolutionary leaders, she had to make masks in wax of the severed heads of people she had once known. Took her immensely succesful exhibtion to London, where it remains to this day.
Dolly Madison, the First Lady who kept her head when the White House burned in the war of 1812 and rescued many valuable documents and works of art
elizabeth Fry, the great english prison reformer, who devoted her life to improving conditions in prisons, espeically for women and children
Sarah and Angelina Grimke, the first women anti-slavery lecturers, and also advocates of women's rights
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and susan b. Anthony, the leaders of the women's movement in America for most of the second half of the nineteenth century
Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to qualify as a physician in the uSA
Florence Nightingale, who reforemd the dreadful hospitals of the Crimean War, and turned nursing into a respectable profession for women
Mary Walker, surgeon, the first and only woman to win the Congressional medal of Honour, for bravery in the Civil War
Harriet Tubman, the ex-slave who returned to the south again and again to rescue more slaves, and also fought heroically in the Civil War
Bella Boyd, the Confederate woman spy
Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross
Annie Oakley, sharpshooter and star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
Nellie Bly, the investigative journalist who would stop at nothing to get a good story, and set out to be the first person to travel around the world in 80 days (she managed it in 78)
Carrie nation,leader of the Temperence Movement, went around smashing up saloons with an axe
Jane Addams, founder of the Settlement house movement
Madame C. J. Walker, America's first self-made female millionaire

modern women
Hillary Clinton
Ophra Winfrey
Katie Couric
Barbara Walters

How about Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Lady Diana Spencer, Golda Meir (sp?), Hillary Clinton.

1- Sappho [Ancient greek Poetess, she is said to of been the 1st feminist in history, and also was the first woman of the western world to be acclaimed as a genius].

2- Anne Frank [I think she is one of the most important figures in how we perceive the world today, she has become a person who is inspirable to many and has risen above hate and the destruction of war, to speak truth, a person far before her time, and yet her voice is still louder than all the machines that tried to kill her].

3- Queen Elizabeth 1st - [Very important figure in the history of the Western World, and still evenmore, she was a powerful woman who did not need a man to make her power asserted. She slept with whoever she wanted and did not feel that marriage is important, as she is married to England].

4- Cleopatra - [Similar to Queen Elizabeth, but rather failed. She was so incredibly intelligent (fluent in 27 languages) and realised that in her patriacrchal world, she would have to use her femininity to get what Egypt needed].

5- Mother Theresa - [A perosn who knew that compassion andkindness is the most important thing. She is the epitome of humanity and is inspirable to many people out there, who wish to become better humans].

Hope this was helpful, I tried to cover a braod range of topics from arts-power-kindness-truth-equality etc. I think that these women all had a very important impact on not only thier own worlds, but havemanifested in the modern world also. Gosh, this took a long time!

Hope it was helpful and good luck!