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Position:Home>History> Why on November, 1930 disappeared suddenly not only 2000 inhabitants of an Eskim

Question:but and the bodies of their
forefathers - from their graves which were dug without using the
techniques, but the frozen soil of these graves was hard as steel

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: but and the bodies of their
forefathers - from their graves which were dug without using the
techniques, but the frozen soil of these graves was hard as steel

This appears to be a still unexplained event. When I first read your question, I thought of the colony of Roanoke. Interestingly, the site I included below begins w/ the disappearance of the people from Roanoke. The story of that you are askinng about is the 3rd one down and titled "THE ESKIMO VILLAGE THAT DISAPPEARED".

There are many references online to this incident, but there is no known explanation at this point. (see below)

"...newspapers of the world reported the baffling disappearance of the 2,000 Eskimos, although many believed that a rational explanation would eventually come to light, but the Anjikuni mass disappearance is still unsolved."