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Position:Home>History> If you could invent something that has never been invented what would you invent

Question:Its Just a question cause my mom asked me and i had no idea.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its Just a question cause my mom asked me and i had no idea.

Glasses wipers.
Like car window wipers, but for glasses.
They would come in rather handy.

I would invent a flying mobile. It is a small vehicle that looks like 3 eggs stacked but not neatly. You get in it and fly around.
I would invent this because my 4-year-old wanted one. I think a lot of children would like it.

Portable rocket... how cool would it be "what u doin", "oh just zippin off to mars" awesome.

Innovative engineers (inventors) do not actively set out to "invent" something! Normally their inspiration comes from some difficulty with, or deficiency in a device, system, or process. They get fed up with it and look for a better way to do it!

I, as an "inventor", let my mind wander and contemplate problems with whatever. One of those problems was to do with Broadband over radio. So I have launched a patent for a new way of looking at how to do it.

Another series of possibilities revolve around power generation systems and electric motors for cars. The vehicle motor thing has developed as far as a model, to prove my theory. I will, in the next couple of years (hopefully) launch a patent application, complete with working prototype.

Sorry, I cannot invent anything.

Perhaps your mother can also tell you that this question is not a History question, and should be asked in the proper category - the Polls & Surveys category.

A carpet that cleans itself.