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Position:Home>History> Who is considered a baby boomer?

Question:My mom was born in Jan. 1952. I was wondering if she is a "baby boomer".

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My mom was born in Jan. 1952. I was wondering if she is a "baby boomer".

Yes, she is a "baby boomer"--my parents were also born in 1952, lol.
A baby boomer is anyone born between the years 1946 and 1964.
For the reasons why people from this era are called baby boomers, I'll let wikipedia explain it to you!

She is indeed a baby boomer. She would have been born in the middle of the phenomenon. "Technically" the baby boom occurred between the years 1945 and 1968.

the baby boom is referring to the period after WWII that showed a huge increase in the birth of babies. They were generally born between 1946 and 1964.

Baby boomer is a North American-English term used to describe a person born following World War II, at a time where there was unusual spike in birth rates in North America.

So your mom is definitely a Baby Boomer.

There is some disagreement as to the exact beginning and end dates of the baby boom, but the range is 1946 to the 960s.

Yes, your mother certainly is a member of the baby boomers.
Just like me. She's a teeny bit older than me though.

baby boomer
–noun a person born during a baby boom, esp. one born between 1946 and 1965.

yes your mom is a person who was born during the time of the "baby boom". this happened because of the prosperity of Americans living after WWII was won. people bought more land and that is when the American suberbs started coming in. people bought cars, houses, and had an uber-increase in children.