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Position:Home>History> What's the difference between AD and BC?

Question:Are there any historical records which prove that Jesus actually lived?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any historical records which prove that Jesus actually lived?

AD means anno domini, or in the year of our Lord
BC means before Christ, or ante Christum

these generally represent the positive and negative directions of time with respect to the year "1" which represents the time of Jesus Christ's birth. however, the accuracy of the date of Christ's birth is a bit questionable--considering nearly four centuries had passed from the time of Christ's birth to when this calender system came to being.

The Bible and it does not necessarily refer to that particular event.

The bible and BC stands for before Christ AD IS after

bc was before christ ad was after christ

AD An~o Domini (In the year of our Lord)
BC Before Christ

BC is before christ, AD is after death (of christ).

Roman documents do show that a prophet named Jesus lived and was crucified around that time. But thats hardly proof that he was the son of God...