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Position:Home>History> If you could bring back 5 people and change their history?

Question:Who would they be and why.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Who would they be and why.

I would pick Nicholas & Alexandra and their 5 children (sorry, it totals seven)........they were murdered needlessly. The children never got to fall in love, get married, have children......the parents had one of the greatest love stories, and Nicholas was relieved in a way, that he abdicated. All he wanted to was live quietly with his family for the rest of his days, but the Bolsheviks wanted the whole family killed, so there would be no Tsar to fight for, and so there was no turning back for what the Bolsheviks had done.

I love this question!!

My Top 5;

1) My Grandmother, I never got to meet her, she died, when my Mom was a young girl, and I was told the day she died, could have been prevented and it was a painful ending for her. That part of her life I would love to change, and maybe she would have lived to see me and I would have gotten to know her.

2) Malcolm X
I strongly believe had he lived, he would have continued to be of great benefit to many many black men, and would have had a significant impact on our new generation of troubled black men. If I could freeze that moment in history, seconds before he died, he would have lived.

3) Dr. King
His death was senseless and cowardly, and If I could change the exact moment he walked out on that balcony, he would live to continue on with his lifes purpose and continue to deliver his messages of equality of all people.

4) John F Kennedy Jr.
Death knocked on his door much too soon, despite his short-comings (and we all have them), he was a fine young man, who despite his privledged life, struggled to live his life as normal as possible, however, I will say, had he died before his Mom, she would have surely died with him. I can't say he had the makings of a good president, but I think he would have made a sigificant impact on humanity.

5) Princess Diana
I could care less about her royal status, or anything royal for that matter, but Diana the woman, mother and humanitarian, was a great loss. She would have been so proud of her boys, and I would bring her back if only to continue her social work and see her boys continue to grow.

Alexander the great. id want to go back and stop him from dying at age 23, he shudve lived to a ripe old age