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Position:Home>History> Did soldiers in the Signal Corps during WWI carry guns?

Question:I've read that British soldiers in WWI who were Signal Corps did not carry guns or were not allowed to. Is the same true for US Signal Corps soldiers?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've read that British soldiers in WWI who were Signal Corps did not carry guns or were not allowed to. Is the same true for US Signal Corps soldiers?

A lot of signal corps men didnt carry a gun as their primary duty,tho every army and marine soldier is first and foremost ,a grunt, so they were weapons trained and usually saw duty with a combat unit on occassion. They simply had too much to carry and to do to lug a rifle also.most of the time.

no, the people that did not carry guns were consiencious objectors and they were usually medics.

They had guns, side arms or rifles.

It depended on which command they were in and what their primary duty was. Those attached to front line units generally carried a side arm (pistol) and often a carbine. Some commands regulated that all officers be armed at all times, even when in the rear area.

In general most US troops that were serving anywhere close to the front lines were armed to some extent, even the Port Battalions (generally black troops who where considered 'unreliable combat troops')