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Position:Home>History> What did the dissenting colonist's believe the real goal of The Tea Act of 1

Question:They believed that it was their way to maintain the English's right to tax them without having given their permission.
It was an Englishman's right that they could not be taxed without consent, and so the English decided to get tax from the colonists and proove that they were able to still pay back their war debt from the Seven Years War. The colonists disagreed and wanted no part of it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: They believed that it was their way to maintain the English's right to tax them without having given their permission.
It was an Englishman's right that they could not be taxed without consent, and so the English decided to get tax from the colonists and proove that they were able to still pay back their war debt from the Seven Years War. The colonists disagreed and wanted no part of it.