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Position:Home>History> What's the OFFICIAL status of the Welsh Dragon Flag?

Question:There was talk about the Queen stating something about it's official status in the 1950's but can't find that info or link to the facts.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There was talk about the Queen stating something about it's official status in the 1950's but can't find that info or link to the facts.

The Flag was officially adopted as the national flag of Wales in 1959. However, its origins as the national symbol of Wales are less clear. Some sources state the dragon was adopted from the Draco standards borne by the Romans during their occupation of Britain in the first century AD. The green and white stripes of the flag were added by the House of Tudor, the royal dynasty that held the English throne from 1485 to 1603. During that time, the Dragon was a supporter in the Royal Coat of Arms.
The Flag of Wales flies everyday alongside the Union Flag over the Welsh Assembly building in Cardiff, and the Wales Office in Whitehall, London

It has no official status. Wales cannot have a national flag because it's not a nation. It's a component part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union Flag (aka Union Jack) is the only official national flag.