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Question:If the confederacy was a seperate nation why did the union start a war against slavery it's their nation why did the union got in their business

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If the confederacy was a seperate nation why did the union start a war against slavery it's their nation why did the union got in their business

That's what we in the south have been asking since the 1860's. The war wasn't about slavery, it was about states' rights. As you so clearly pointed out, it was not a federal issue, hence the mentality that stirred up the war.

for the same reason they get in the worlds business now.

First of all, the Confederacy started the war by firing upon Fort Sumpter.

Second, the south had seceeded. It was not its own country. It was as if North Dakota decided it wanted to be independent today. Of course America would fight the jackasses who made that decision...especially if they were doing so mainly to continue a brutal human rights disgrace.

The Confederacy was never a separate nation. They attempted to secede from the United States but failed.

Like in current times, it all involves money. The south wasn't exactly recognized as a nation to begin with. Just a bunch of states arguing over who gets the bigger piece of the financial pie and how it would get "shared".

The South was not a separate nation.
The War was fought to preserve that Nation. Slavery was a sidelight - and don't get hung up on State's Rights. It's what Southerner's want you to think.
The South started it by firing on Fort Sumter.

I get tired of hearing the same old rhetoric over and over again about the Civil War. I grew up in the South, I come from a very old Southern family. I had three GG Grandfathers fight in the war.

1. The war was about Slavery.
2. The South was wrong for what it did. Slavery is barbaric, and wrong.
3. Most of the people who fought for the South were to poor to have slaves, and not unlike today, they were sent off to fight a rich mans war.
4. The South never stood a chance of winning the war. The North pretty much fought with one hand tied behind its back.
5. The Southern states were at war with each other politically throughout the war to the point of ridiculousness. For example the Governor of Georgia refusing to call up the state guard to reinforce the army defending them, because he said it would interfere with his States rights.