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Position:Home>History> What date did judaism begin?

Question:Name source. No wikipedia!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Name source. No wikipedia!!!!!!!!!

it goes back to abraham, he was the first jew. (that is way older than judah who was abraham's great grandson, and way way older than moses.)

he was named abram, then he went from being a pagan and worshipping many gods, to realizing there is One god. he changed his name to abraham, adding the "h" as a symbol of god, and was the first jew.
this was about 5000 years ago.

You'll have to ask a Jew.
If there is a specific date - it's not one we would recognize today.
I believe it has something to do with Moses.
Your source will be the Old Testament.

I think it goes even farther back to Abraham. But, what I don't know about Judaism is a lot.

The beginning date of Judaism could be:
During Abraham's time, as he is the forefather of Judaism some around 1900 BCE; nearly 4000 years ago.
At the time the Torah was given the the Jews on Mount Sinai some 400 years later.

I don't know a specific date, but the name Jew and Judaism itself trace their origins to Judah, the son of Jacob. This is either a connection to the lands given to the tribe of Judah in the southern part of their territory, where Jerusalem is, or a connection to that particular man. My guess it's more connected to the lands, distinguished from the northern kingdom of Israel.

Their calendar begins on the day of the Exodus, which would make it the day after Passover.