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Position:Home>History> If you could meet one historical figure in the 20th century dead or alive, who w

Question:General of the Armies George C. Marshall
Also - Reagan, Hitler, Churchill, George VI, Patton and Rommel as well.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: General of the Armies George C. Marshall
Also - Reagan, Hitler, Churchill, George VI, Patton and Rommel as well.

Ronald Reagan. Just because I grew up in his hometown. No political inference implied.

Nice question.

Winston Churchill.

Franklin D. Roosevelt because he changed the presidency forever.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I'd like to thank him for everything he's done for America. And then I wanna ask him if there's a heaven. lol. And If he says yes, I wanna ask him what's it's like, because I'll never be there. lol. :3

Adolf Hitler

Rosa Parks

You know, I would just loved to sit and have a chat with Mahatma Ghandi. Wouldn't that be something?

probably Mother Theresa.

erwin rommel the desert fox, who could do more with less

two people,

asa phillip randolph, the man who organized the march on washington, and invited mlk to speak as a guest

hitler--yes, hitler. i'm thinking if one had the power to go back in time to talk to someone, maybe i could determine what all the anger was about, and change his mind.

yasser arafat bcoz he made a lot of sacrifices for the freedom of his people