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Position:Home>History> Why did'nt we get new levels?

Question:me and amy did'nt get new super monkey ball touch and roll levels after completing big bang boom and zero g station and we were wondering why

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: me and amy did'nt get new super monkey ball touch and roll levels after completing big bang boom and zero g station and we were wondering why

I guess your sub monkey was out of balance with your super monkey and that accounted for a your "B" levels which in turn, brought down your "G" levels and your rating was less than zero.

This can be corrected by unbalancing your "C" levels by continually working those levels and not the "B" levels.

Or you could use the cheat code of "drysdale" which will push you to where you want to be instantly but that's no fun.

See question right under : the most recent wonders of the world !

What hte hell