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Position:Home>History> Which century is Romeo and Juliet set in?

Question:or which kind of era
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: or which kind of era
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I believe it was originally set in the 14th century Italy, or the 1300's. But as stated above, it could be done in any time period.

Except for the history plays and some specific others (Julius Caesar, Macbeth...), Shakespeare plays don't have or need a particular setting. I've seen 'em staged in the Victorian era (As You Like It), modern dress (Taming of the Shrew), an imaginary Fascist England of the 1930's (Richard III), etc... this is what makes them universal.

But of course in Shakespeare's day, most plays were performed in contemporary dress, although if set in some foreign country (as Romeo and Juliet is set in Italy), so exotic stylistic touches were typically added.

Hope this helps!