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Position:Home>History> What is the name of the decade we are currently in? I.e. it's gone 70's,

Question:It's kind of interesting, isn't it? The first two decades of each century really don't have a "natural" name. I mean, it's the "aughts" and the "teens" but that's awkward and I don't think anyone ever really used them. Partly it's a linguistic quirk, and partly it doesn't matter. The former because it's awkward, the second because it's the beginning of the century and we really don't "need" to differentiate it from other decades.

The fact that the media hasn't come up with anything shows how awkward it is, I mean, obviously people have given this a lot of thought and have yet to come up with anything catchy and appropriate. It's an interesting example of how a purely arbitrary artifact of our dating system colours the way we view the world.

Until the twenties roll around I think we're stuck in limbo. And considering how the economy is going, we may not want to remember these decades anyhow. ;)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's kind of interesting, isn't it? The first two decades of each century really don't have a "natural" name. I mean, it's the "aughts" and the "teens" but that's awkward and I don't think anyone ever really used them. Partly it's a linguistic quirk, and partly it doesn't matter. The former because it's awkward, the second because it's the beginning of the century and we really don't "need" to differentiate it from other decades.

The fact that the media hasn't come up with anything shows how awkward it is, I mean, obviously people have given this a lot of thought and have yet to come up with anything catchy and appropriate. It's an interesting example of how a purely arbitrary artifact of our dating system colours the way we view the world.

Until the twenties roll around I think we're stuck in limbo. And considering how the economy is going, we may not want to remember these decades anyhow. ;)

wow, i never thought about that, the 2000's i guess

the new millennium

the aughts it's aught-eight right now, ( old language)
I really don't know been wondering that myself.

My friend calls it "the otts".

You tell me, what did they uased to call 1900-1910 and then 1910-1920. They didnt really have a name i guess. People just referred to them as the early 1900's. So guess same thing might happen here. Early 2000's. Probably 20 hundreds as opposed to 2 thousands

the millenium

The Noughties. (As in "nought", not naughty!)