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Position:Home>History> Were the Anglo-Saxons Black?


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It is a rip off of a theme,that ran through 'Goodness Gracious Me',where a character was convinced everything and everyone important was Indian.


just another retarded illiterate negroe. the fool can barely read simple books, and not one picture in any of the books is of a negroe. what a moron

All scams are convincing, that's how they work. There are always more gullible people than sceptics ready to believe any crank who makes any bizarre claim, no matter how stupid it may be.

The more people who are taken in by nonsense such as this, the more of a name the author makes for himself - in fact such people should be consigned to the waste bin with all the other garbage.

No, they were racially not that much different from the people they supplanted in England - the Britons. Northern Europeans don't really vary that much genetically.

The video convincing? Pull the other one!

As for the main question: the present native British population is largely of Anglo-Saxon descent. If the A-S had been black, so would their descendants. Black (and mixed-race, assuming the Normans are allowed to be white) people would have been the norm here for centuries, in which case the BNP would now have been complaining about being flooded by all those pale-skinned foreigners from the Indian area.

Or were they all black as well, a thousand years ago?