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Position:Home>History> Cuban-spanish-american war??

Question:can someone help me come up with a thesis or two about the Cuban-Spanish-American war for the basis of my paper?

one i have so far is:
The US had ulterior motives in assisting the Cuban Spanish American war by viewing the war as a way to expand their influence as well as becoming a dominant power.

if you can come up with another thesis or bring some valid points to my current thesis, i'd greatly appreciate it. thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can someone help me come up with a thesis or two about the Cuban-Spanish-American war for the basis of my paper?

one i have so far is:
The US had ulterior motives in assisting the Cuban Spanish American war by viewing the war as a way to expand their influence as well as becoming a dominant power.

if you can come up with another thesis or bring some valid points to my current thesis, i'd greatly appreciate it. thanks!

You have the basic idea, but many teachers would like a more specific thesis. I would definitely mention the sugar trade American business men wanted in Cuba. You could also mention the later ideas that came, including Teddy Roosevelt's corollary and his plans in Latin America. The Spanish-American War kinda began this.

Many US citizens had businesses and other interests in Cuba. They didn't want Spain to take over there and mess with their plans.