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Position:Home>History> Poll........Do you enjoy geography and history?

Question:I really do! Although when I was in school....English was me best subject.........?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really do! Although when I was in school....English was me best subject.........?

hello, sweety!

i LOVE geography!

i collect globes, and atlases...

right above my computer i have a "pull down map" i salvaged from an old school probably remember as well as i do...a big wood one, with all the maps that pull down like window shades....its from the late 50's but i still love to look at it and see how much the world changes....and stays the same!

History was always my number one subject, both in enjoyment and grades.
I was number two in my school's Geography bee.

I really get confused at why so few young people enjoy history. It can provide tons of entertainment; in stories, in humor, in irony.

Then again, my wife loves math, and I hate it.

Well, it depends if its interesting or not,

Can you also help me answer this question?;...

I majored in History and minored in Geography as an undergrad.

I enjoy both. I took a course in historical geography and was surprise how interesting I found it. For decades of traveling the country by various means I always found it interesting seeing land formations and knowing what caused them and seeing the results of man-made changes on the lands.

I enjoy history, because it teaches us lessons from the past which we can use as road-maps for our future. Geography is interesting, but dry compared to history. It's more difficult to relate to rivers and mountains than to those who were once living, sentient beings.

No, why would you study about things that are long over and places you won't ever visit? Waste of time. Try Math, you deal with money everyday ;] (just my 2 cents here)

history more than geography but geography is cool too

i do i really really do!! i can watch the history channel for hours on end. i love accumulating all those facts about long dead people. it's so interesting to put it all together to try and figure out how we all got where we are due to history. if you don't know where you came from, how can you know where you're going?

I am certified to teach both! I love them!

History is my favorite subject. Geography I am pretty poor at.

I also truly do! When I was in school (SO long ago) my two best subjects were History and Geography (at least the ones I liked the most).

Unfortunately, American high schools don't bother with Geography, and my kids' history books are full of revisionists lies, so my kids, and their generation, can't find the Pacific Ocean on a map, and don't know who Winston Churchill is!


Yes, history is my favourite.

Of course I do! I love all the wee factoids running about!

Oui madame! Especially the history of the American Civil War and it's surgeons!

I adore it. My best subjects, but English was too. It's a tie. :)

(So much better than fictional math. Ugh headache.)

LOVE both subjects. Hated both in grammar, middle and high school, but it was because I lived in Utah (ugh) and all we ever learned about was the Mormons and how the seagulls came and saved them, etc etc etc. Then the worst was learning about George Washington and our fore fathers and how they were the greatest heroes along with Andy Jackson, and all the rest, and it was the same old stuff, over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum. THEN I got into college and decided to take a World History series and the WHOLE world opened up to me. I Learned about China and Japan and the Meiji empire, I learned about the Inca and the Mayan and Aztecs, the Olmecs and Toltecs of central and South America, then it was Africa and all that happened there. It was amazing what happened in the world and US and State history has nothing on what happened in the rest of the world. After all the US has "only been around since 1783.

Then I took classes on Russian History and learned about the revolution and what REALLY happened, South American and Mexican History and how Simon Bolivar became the savior of South and Central Mexico. Learned about Santa Ana and his history (long and very colorful) before the Alamo.

I do have a "favorite" though and that is Military History. I do watch most everything that History, TLC, PBS, and Discovery put on that has history and will often watch the specials on HBO and other stations. Even though much of the time I have learned most of what they say there is often some little bit or two that I didn't know and it increases my knowledge. Even the popular movies give you something to learn and think about. I recently saw "Letters From Iwo Jima" and "Flags of out Fathers" movies on the same subject (by Clint Eastwood) but different viewpoints. I have probably seen about every movie on WWII they ever made and if I haven't I constantly look for others I haven't seen. I still find one now and then. Having cable certainly helps.


Why don't we go around the world and you can show me what you've learned in your history ;-)