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Position:Home>History> Gettysburg ghosts?

Question:Has anyone heard of a ghost sighted near a tree in Gettysburg he might be of german or italian desent. Or have you heard of a spy who was shot near a tree posssibly before the battle?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Has anyone heard of a ghost sighted near a tree in Gettysburg he might be of german or italian desent. Or have you heard of a spy who was shot near a tree posssibly before the battle?

They have a whole tour of Gettysburg with ghosts.

I teach third grade and one of my reading groups read the Battlefield Ghost last year. You should check it out.


Check there.

Yes i have umm... its a very interesting story if u ever go to Gettysburg they have theses books called Ghost of Gettysburg the are the best and its in there but im not sure which one but if u ask im sure someone knows. they helped me and now in a paranormal investigator in Gettysburg