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Position:Home>History> Why were the jews killed in the Holocaust?

Question:it was once said that as a young man hitler was living in poverty (i don't know if this is exactly true but ive read it in a few books) and he was surounded by siccessful jewish businessmen who owned many of the shops , this made him jealous and as he grew up he resented them for it, he alos had this psycho idea that he was going to purify the german race by getting rid of all the jews, (arian's) and leaving only the blond blue eyed pure race left to make aw perfect country, there are many reasons but many of them are still unclear

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it was once said that as a young man hitler was living in poverty (i don't know if this is exactly true but ive read it in a few books) and he was surounded by siccessful jewish businessmen who owned many of the shops , this made him jealous and as he grew up he resented them for it, he alos had this psycho idea that he was going to purify the german race by getting rid of all the jews, (arian's) and leaving only the blond blue eyed pure race left to make aw perfect country, there are many reasons but many of them are still unclear

because nazi germany had a big problem with them.

Because Hitler hated them. . .

Because Hitler had tried every solution and his "Final Solution" was to kill them all.

Hitler thought that they aren′t pure nation.

The Jews were killed in the Holocaust because Hitler hates them... as simple as that...

Hitler needed escape goats to keep his Nazi regime in power. Jews, Gypsies, Slavic people and other "sub humans" were the easy target. As a result, 6 million Jews and a few million other "sub humans" were killed by the Nazi regime.

Anti-semitism ( Jew hating) has been around for many centuries in Europe. Hitler used the hard times of hte Depression years to convince enough German people that the Jews in their midst were the source of the economic problems they faced, and enough people went along with this to enable him and his colleagues to organise what had been done before (Jew killing) on an industrial scale. Hitler's exact reasons for anti-semitism may never be known - it is unfortunately still common in certain parts of the world.

One "reason" Hitler named was that the Jews betrayed and killed Jesus Christ. Jews were discriminated and killed for this reason for centuries and Hitler just used the same reason.
He also blamed them for all the political, financial Problems in Germany
One other reason was that he had the idea about race ideology:
In that blond, blue eyed people (Arier) were the "best", followed by "Whites",
when "Romance" (who should work for the Whites), "Asians" (he was really interested in them and had no problem with them because the had such great inventions)
and "Blacks" (didn′t care about them very much, they were not many in Europe).
In this scale the Jews were evil und you could find them in every race there they try to destroy the humans

He was crazy!