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Position:Home>History> Do you know these answers please try yourself? dont use Internet?

Question:1 Who was Jason Allen Alexander married to for 55 hours

2 What for the fourth UK general election running was the first constituency to declare its result in 2005

3 What doctor who is thought to be the most prolific serial killer in British History

4 How quickly did the September Dossier say Iraq could deploy its weapons of mass destruction

5 And from what African country did the dossier say Iraq tried to procure uranium

6What nationality was Elian Gonzales, repatriated by the FBI after a high profile custody case in 2000

7What was British citizen Richard Reid dubbed after a bungled attempt to destroy an airliner in 2001

8Where in Bethlehem were Palestinian militants besieged by Israeli forces for 39 days

9Who played Russian Roulette live on TV IN 2003

10 What two nations are expected to join the EU in 2007

GREAT BRITAIN 5 page 157

1What is he approval given by British monarch to a bill passed by parliament known as

2 In what county would you find Bamburgh Alnwick and Dunstanburgh castles

3 Where would you find the Gladstone and royal sea forth docks

4 What mythical creature is the symbol of Wales

5 What rivers source is about a mile north of the gloucestershire village of kembel

6 With what do you associate the names Wat Tyler, Jack straw and John ball in the 14Th century

7 which country's flag is often known as the Saltire

8 Tens of thousands formed a human chain in 1983 in protest against what

9 When did the church of England vote to allow women priests--1972 1982 or 1992

10 who was the first monarch to reign over both Scotland and England

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 Who was Jason Allen Alexander married to for 55 hours

2 What for the fourth UK general election running was the first constituency to declare its result in 2005

3 What doctor who is thought to be the most prolific serial killer in British History

4 How quickly did the September Dossier say Iraq could deploy its weapons of mass destruction

5 And from what African country did the dossier say Iraq tried to procure uranium

6What nationality was Elian Gonzales, repatriated by the FBI after a high profile custody case in 2000

7What was British citizen Richard Reid dubbed after a bungled attempt to destroy an airliner in 2001

8Where in Bethlehem were Palestinian militants besieged by Israeli forces for 39 days

9Who played Russian Roulette live on TV IN 2003

10 What two nations are expected to join the EU in 2007

GREAT BRITAIN 5 page 157

1What is he approval given by British monarch to a bill passed by parliament known as

2 In what county would you find Bamburgh Alnwick and Dunstanburgh castles

3 Where would you find the Gladstone and royal sea forth docks

4 What mythical creature is the symbol of Wales

5 What rivers source is about a mile north of the gloucestershire village of kembel

6 With what do you associate the names Wat Tyler, Jack straw and John ball in the 14Th century

7 which country's flag is often known as the Saltire

8 Tens of thousands formed a human chain in 1983 in protest against what

9 When did the church of England vote to allow women priests--1972 1982 or 1992

10 who was the first monarch to reign over both Scotland and England

1. Brittany spears.
2. westminster
3. Harold Shipman
4. 45 mins
5. Egypt
6. Cuban
7. Shoe bomber
9. derren Brown
10. poland,chech republic
1. Royal
2. Scotland
3. Southhampton
4. Dragon
5. severn
6. Peasants revolt
7. Ireland
8. nuclear arms
9. 1992
10. James I (Jmaes VI of scotland)

I enjoyed that.

Don't care about English history. Other than the Revolutionary War.

GB10) elizabeth I!!!!! at least, im pretty sure!!!! i kno everything bout the tudors, so im rly possitive!

GB4) a dragon, its in my backround!