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Position:Home>History> What was Anne Frank's purpose in keeping a diary?

Question:i need 3 answers please! thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need 3 answers please! thanks

Anne Frank kept her diary because it would be a memory of her lyf in the war, which, Anne knew, would be really important for the world. It was the only memory of a person who had lived thru the second World War, so it became very very important later on.
Anne also kept her diary to express her thoughts. Often, there are certain things which, one cannot share with others. Anne wrote these thoughts down to herself. If we express our thoughts 2 ourself, through a diary or something, it helps to get rid of depression and sadness.
Her diary was also her constant companion in the Secret Annexe. Through her diary, she expressed her feelings about the war, and described her life in hiding, and all about her love and hatred towards people.

Could have been a coping mechanism. I've found writing down my thoughts helps calm me down and keep me sane, and I'm pretty sure her life was a lot harder than mine.

ITGuy: It's called meiosis. Try it, it's fun. :D

Maybe to record the events of her life? I beleive that's why most people use them.

LOL, ibts42, Anne Frank died at a young age in a Nazi concentration camp and you're only "pretty sure" that her life was harder?

In the diary she had said that she wanted to be a writer. She also wanted to one day publish the diary for the world to see it. There were 3 pages that her father had taken out of the diary. I think the person who has those 3 pages are a cousin and they are missing. She really didn't know what she wanted to eventally do with the diary( if she really wanted to publish it) but I think she wanted to write her thoughts and feelings down and also pratice her writing that she was proud of. I think she also wanted to tell people what it was like to be hiding out from the Nazis in a cramped up living quarters that she did not like too much.

what is the purpose for you keeping a diary?

read the book or watch the movie you'll find answers in there

to keep things that we will or had done before and make it something to remember or express thought.

She didn't have much to do up in the attic so maybe it was just a way of filling up the time.

No Tv or internet.

What is ANYONE's PURPOSE in keeping a DIARY???

It is just FORTUNATE for US (the people who are able to READ it) that SHE DID! How many 'other' diary's were KEPT, and discovered, and BURNED???

WE pay 'homage' to Anne Frank, for the fact that WE have been PRIVILEGED that HER diary DID survive, and that WE have been PRIVILEGED to read it! It DOES give us 'insight'!

But, if one reads between the lines of her diary, it HAS to raise the question... How many MORE 'diaries' were there, that did NOT survive? And what did THEY have to say???

I remember around 45 years ago, watching the High School Drama Club 'doing' that PLAY!. "The Diary of Anne Frank".

I do remember having to 'READ' it first!

I give my classmates 'credit'! They did an AWESOME job! ONLY recently have I paid much attention to 'watching it again' ... this time by professional actors! Let me tell you... The 'professionals' held NO SURPRISES for me, over what my 'classmates' did, as far as telling the story!

Take ANY part of 45 years, and make it CLOSER to my present age... And tell me the 'story' again! I HATED 'history' when I was in High School! NOW, it's one of the most IMPORTANT things in my life!


When Anne Frank wrote in her 'diary' she was NOT thinking about some TV 'special'! IF, I remember correctly, she STATES, early on, IN her Diary, WHY she is writing! How can anyone MISS that!?

I'm DONE, before I cry again!

To fight off boredom and keep her sanity. Living in that cramped space and keeping quiet there isn't much you can do.

Also, living in a cramped space with all those people, you can't always tell them your thoughts or their flaws - easier to gather your thoughts by writing them down.

It was the only privacy she had.