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Position:Home>History> What was Hitler's Goal?

Question:Help me ! i need 1 answer !! Please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Help me ! i need 1 answer !! Please

Hitler's goal was the "purification" of the "Aryan race" through the elimination of "subhumans", which included Jews, gypsies, Asians, black Africans etc.

to kill all jewish people?

To make Germany a superpower, with a supposely master race.

to parade down Pennsylvania Ave

but i think this saying is all true...

"Hitler was crazzy... Germany was strong but the world was too big to conquer"

He was trying to establish an Aryan state...and he wanted a capital city (which he designed) located somewhere in Russia. kill all jewish people have a complete "master" race (jews were not masters supposedly) conquer the world

he was a sick man

That's very hard to discern since he was coo-coo crazy. He promised the people of Germany an empire that would last 1,000 years.

Hitler's goal was to shape the Germany as a super power country and rule the entire world without any borders..If can means he wanna make all the countries in the world named Germany..No any names out there..Gotcha..

Hitler's GOAL was to RULE the WORLD! And, to 'restore' the "ARYAN" people as the 'CHOSEN' RACE... THE SUPREME beings!!!

He wanted to eliminate a race and also wanted the german people to look a certain way. I forget if it was to breed blondes or eliminate them.

Who knows? He was a madman. Seriously.

To turn Germany into the strongest country in the whole of Europe. He wanted only pure Germans to rule europe, and not the Jews or Slavics. He wanted to be the Fuhrer...which he was.

To build the Third Reich also called 1,000 Year Reich. Hitler personally viewed it like the Roman Empire - an Empire that would last 1,000 years..

Hitler wanted everyone to pay for his twisted and wasted life and he was able, in his own creepy way, to attract others with the same self hatred

Even his own generals and called him "The Paper Hanger" or The strutting corporeal.

To destroy all nations that aren′t pure (aren′t Aryan) and to unite all of nations (that are pure), but, with one nation that would lead (Germans). And to create Third Reich (Dritte Reich) with the center in Berlin. He wanted Berlin to look like ancient Atena, with Acropolis and all...

for germany to be the world's biggest superpower
, to clean the world from the jewish people and to revenge from france but this mission is too hard to accomplish