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Position:Home>History> How were people made?

Question:How actually were people made? Is it because of evolution? Were we really monkeys? Did God create us? I want to know the answer of this mumbo-jumbo.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How actually were people made? Is it because of evolution? Were we really monkeys? Did God create us? I want to know the answer of this mumbo-jumbo.

We were never monkeys, our common ancestor - to apes and humans - was a proto-ape. And yes, the process of change from that being to sapiens sapiens through hundred of thousands of years is called evolution.

As to how make a human... it involves birds and bees.

Well when you ask this you will get A LOT of different answers, everyone has their own theories, Evolution, creationism, I've even heard that "aliens" made us.

You are just going have to make your own mind up on what you believe, whether religious, scientific

God created us and all the world in six days. Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day.
Read Genesis 1.

Evolutionary theories are not scientifically verifiable. As for creation, It states in Genesis That God created the heavens and the earth. He created all living things that includes us. We are gods proudest creation. He loves us all so very much also.

I prefer the Creation Theory.....Why? Because I like it.. and when it comes down to 99% of the population it's not important to living......

Everyone's beliefs are different. My belief is God made people. Go read Genesis in the bible. (The first chapter in the New Testament King James Version!) It will explain it all! =)

well frist of all how old are you