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Position:Home>History> What will bill clinton be best remembered for a century from now?

Question:Unfortunately for him, his presidency will be more remembered for not knowing what "is" is instead of the many other things that went right. This is the classic case of 1 oops wiping out 10 atta-boys.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Unfortunately for him, his presidency will be more remembered for not knowing what "is" is instead of the many other things that went right. This is the classic case of 1 oops wiping out 10 atta-boys.

A blue dress.

While I think this is what he will be remembered for, because this Country continues to "Dumb Down" as it were, I find the fact that he LIED UNDER OATH to be the most egregious of his many sins.

Martha Stewart had to do 6 months for far less.
HE LIED TO ALL OF US. And nobody seems to care - he left us wide open to terrorist attack which the Republicans have had to deal with. Hasn't been an attack since, has there?
Do you wonder why we're in a recession - why we're in a War?
Clinton DID NOTHING when we had bin Laden COLD. He called off the SEALS.
Clinton DID NOTHING after they attacked the COLE and we lost MANY United States Service members.
No wonder al Qaeda thought they could drive those planes into the towers. Past experience (Clinton) taught them that we would do NOTHING.

And, if you want some fodder for the let's beat up on Hillary campaign - ask her what she's done for Upstate New York in her term as Senator. Short answer: NOTHING. All she wanted was a platform from which to run for President.

Be careful people or THEY will be on your doorstep.

I agree: Questioner's agendas should be up front and honest. Are you capable of that? When I tell what I think - I WON'T lie here - I get a whopping 10 points lopped off. WOW!! You just want to rile people up - you are NOT asking a legitimate question which could have led to intelligent discourse.

You can start with the "thumbs down" now.

A century from now China will rule the world. Bill Clinton will best be remembered as the " Man That Made It Possible "

Secondly, The "BJ" heard round the world !!!

As one of the presidents that was impeached.
Andrew Johnson, too, is remembered that way.

playing a sax cover to devil with a blue dress.

only the second president ( to date) to have the House recommend impeachment

either that, or a blue dress

That he likes cigars.

monica lewenski

Belive it or not he did some goood things in his presidency, but he will only be remebered for the monica lowinski scandal in the oval office.

his hair.

Lewinsky and the blue dress.

Three quotes:
The definition of "is"
"I did not have sex..."
"I didn't inhale"

And maybe his equivocating answer to "boxers or briefs" - "both".

Finally, unleashing Hillary on the medical industry and later, on the Senate.

Added later: I am sorry for my answer. You should have told us you were a big President Clinton fan and I wouldn't have bothered putting in my answer. Apparently you have an agenda and forgot to tell us.

As far as nobody died when President Clinton lied - you mean when he said he almost had Obama? By that I mean Obama bin Laden. President Clinton said he almost got him. What he should have said is they offered bin Laden to President Clinton and President Clinton said "no". Let see, did anyone die as a result of that?

I am making no statements here on the current President. Your question was about President Clinton. I didn't know we were supposed to compare him with President Bush. You should have been more clear with your question.

By the way, I respect the office enough to type President Clinton. You can't type President Bush or even Bush apparently. You asked what would bill clinton be remembered for a century from now. It will be the quotes, the impeachment and the sex scandal. What else is there? What did he do besides blow up an aspirin factory and blame his Attorney General for the disaster at Waco? He spent 8 years and is still trying to shape his legacy. He should just fade into the background like his predecessor and let history take care of itself.

I think he would be remembered as the president with the best speech-giving ability. He was truly an amazing speaker. I am sure that won't be forgotten, until a better speaker comes up.


Bush didn't lie

Being the first and only black president.

"I did not had sexual relationships with that woman" lol

Hey only 1. It looks like you may have given thumbs down to fawnr2d2 and so will have to click on the show area to view her addition. She really answered you well in her addition. Give it look, if you have the courage. I am not certain you do, since you allow nobody to contact you.

As to the person who says Clinton presided over the greatest peacetime economy and had a balanced budget, etc., think of this. Congress thwarted him in his plans (actually Hillary's plans) to take over the medical industry. Had he gotten his way, taxes would have gone up and the economy been trashed. So thank Congress for that save.

As to the balanced budget, it was balanced if and only if you allow for the raiding of the Social Security funds. Don't forget that.

Finally, to the person who says he was the best speaker ever as President, let me offer four names. And to show how balanced I am, there are two Republicans and two Democrats. They are Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Kennedy and Reagan. All four were better speakers. They had one thing Clinton doesn't have - self control. Clinton deviated from the script and was prone to rambling.

Remember, the greatest speech ever by an American President was the Gettysburg Address. It was short and to the point. And need I mention the three quotes in Bartlett's Quotations that are from President Clinton? No, Fawn already did. That from the greatest Presidential speaker? I think not.

Going to have to go with John C on this one. Got my vote for best answer.

Cigars and dry-cleaning procrastination.

for presiding over the greatest era of economic growth in US history, for creating a federal budget surplus, for his keen handling of foreign affairs, for making higher education available and attainable to everyone, for working towards creating a smarter and more educated workforce, for for the social impact his policies had and how beneficial that impact was.

I say this as a Republican. I cant deny the importance this man had on the history of this nation.