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Position:Home>History> Where did cavemen live?

Question:people need to live in houses. where were teh houses of teh cavemen?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: people need to live in houses. where were teh houses of teh cavemen?

That's a rather incorrect statement. People require shelter of some kind to survive in various enviroments, it does not have to be a house. A lean-to is shelter without being a house, an RV is shelter without being a house, an snow cave is shelter without being a house, a tent is shelter without being a house, and a cave is shelter without being a house.

The point of shelter is to get you out of the weather. A snow cave may be colder than a house, but it is still protecting one from wind, falling snow, and from the cold as it is warmer than actually being out and about. And is easier to build than an igloo (I know from personal experince.) It's not what I'd call ideal for long periods of time, but it is shelter. And a cave can be even better shelter than a snow cave in it's own ways.



Oddly enough, not caves.
They lived in teepee-like tents and sometimes just slept on Mesas and plateaus and the ground.

I think there may have been a reason they were referred to as CAVEmen . but then some Native Americans lived in tee pees and they weren't called Teepeemen so you may have a valid question after all.
I will have to do more research.
