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Position:Home>History> Did the Prophet Mohammed ever lie? Did he ever tell us....?

Question:it was ok to lie in special circumstances, even a white lie?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it was ok to lie in special circumstances, even a white lie?

The question deserves a better answer. There are hadith (traditions) acording to which Muhammad said it is allowable to lie to promote social peace and harmony, provided no other more important interest is endangered..

what are you talking about? it will be better to clarify your question because you can offend someone with your question. clarify it before someone reacts violently to your question.

have a nice day!

No, "muhammad" did not tell us anything.

I suggest you ask questions of a religious nature in the Religion and Spirituality category.

Of course he lied....he said it was ok to be a pedophile also, kill your enemies, smack your hero.

Really, how should we know if he lied ? I mean, he let a book, the Qu'ran, but the final version was made several years after his death.
The Haddith are not useful at all, those traditions were added years after him, for almost of the time, so called inspired of his life to complete the Qu'ran. Today we have more than 10.000 haddiths listed...
But I agree with one other who said this question can be misunderstood.

Did he ever lie? In the course of any person's life, we all lie at one time or another (yes mommy, I did wash my hands after going to the bathroom; no mommy I did not eat the cookies in the cooky jar; Teacher, my dog ate my homework; Trust me, I know what is best for you; etc). We are tough that we are all sinners (whether Jewish, Christian, or Islam) and that we ask for forgiveness for our sins and we forgive others too. It is taught that the Prophet, before he was appointed by God to go forward and spread the word, was a sinner in his youth just as we all are.

The question is a loaded one. You ask if Islam has it's faults but every religion has faults in the people that support it. You have lied a lot in your life time so you know humans, in their frailty do lie. Sooooo what is your point? Why are you so curious about someone who in past is no longer able to answer for himself?

Okay..Please put religous questions where they belong. I am sure that being a human he might have lied once esp before he became a holy man....esp as a child..on no I will be the victum of a Fatwa....

well the Prophet doesn't lie..
he has this charesteristic that only Prophets have which is..
Siddiq -has the true nature
Amanah- Honest
Fatonah - smart at arranging good strategy when preaching
Tabligh - preach 2 every1
google these for more info

the prophet mohammed is getting people at it, and they fill up their empty and wretched souls with litetrature that has been sinisterly twisted by people to reach a position where they act out there darkness and abuse the power they are given by vulnerable people, and they then get a hold of the twisted pleasure that gives them and energy that enables them to feel powerfull.i.e. the person sells you mohammed and then becomes mohammed, and abuses you by having control over you, and your life style.
men have control over women.
mohammed does not lie, and never has done. mohammed is beautifull. the muslimreligioun is marvelous, its mans deadly sins that get in the way.