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Position:Home>Genealogy> Orgin/meaning of my last name please?

Question:Chlopek... very curious

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Chlopek... very curious

Chlopek is a Polish name.

Ch?op - a funny word meaning many things. It is usually not derogatory. (This word has a letter/sound combination that we don't find in English: "hwop". Pronounce it to rhyme with "up", and you will be pretty close. Ch?op is used the way we use the word "Guy").

and then: ch?op - it is equivalent to a peasant

ch?op -a common replacement for man and then
ch?op do rzeczy - a man of many virtues , often implying also positive sexual capabilities

baba(!) - just the opposite to the above and often used in scolding young boys (you cry like a 'baba', my boy)

( go?y ch?op - is practically meaningless, they do not want to show naked men in our TV and it may look like a discrimination. Only women could help it). But be careful! 'go?y' means also - without money (go?y, ale weso?y = (he is) without a penny but still merry) byczy ch?op, (Strong as a bull ) porz?dny ch?op, (respectible) morowy ch?op ("pesky") - only a little bit rough, but still nice and positive terms used by men and women alike, when impressed with a given guy

ch?opek roztropek - a stupid guy pretending to know everything the best

ch?op jak pi?? minut (lit. 'like five minutes') a small, thin and inconspicuous man

ch?op na schwa? - a strong and a big man

The main genealogy sites have no information, they list the more common surnames. I did find this one site on the Polish language that says the name means, basically, 'guy'. A very common word, but unusual for a name. Many names originated either with the place a family came from or the work they did. Calling someone 'guy' or 'man' with no appending meaning might have come about for any number of reasons, but the name Chlopek doesn't seem to be a very common surname.

I believe the origin is Czech. -ek endings are very common in Czech surnames. I don't have my dictionary with me, but I think it may mean a slow person. The ch would be a hard sound like the ch in the Scottish word loch, coming more from the back of the mouth/throat. You might want to check out rootsweb site under both Czech and Bohemia.