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Position:Home>Genealogy> Instinct and Genetic Memory?

Question:Are they the same thing, or can they be seperate things? Enlighten me plz

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are they the same thing, or can they be seperate things? Enlighten me plz

Yes, this is genealogy, but here's my answer:

There is a difference. Instinct is an unreasoned, automatic response mechanism between stimulus and response: genetic memory is an additional brain-based analytical function that modifies the interaction by examining the perception and determining the proper response. Think of it as an enhancement: sort of like when Vista automatically (and with sheer determinism) can figure out which driver to use for an attached printer, whereas DOS 3 could not.

An added feature of the system. Personally, I usually operate on instinct; should use my in-built "wizard" more, and don't use my accumulate extra-genetic wisdom nearly enough.

Instinct is the trunk of the tree; genetic memory is a branch of that tree that only some life-forms have. The difference is subtle, but it would be wrong to suggest they are the same thing.

This is the genealogy section. We research dead people here.
Your question will probably get a much better response over in science and mathematics (maybe biology).

Separate I think, Instinct is your subconscious at work generally but genetic memory is much deeper, Yes I know people will say there is no proof that Genetic Memory has not been proved, but then so are so many things that work.