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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the relationship between the son of my moms half-sister and me?

Question:You just put "half" in front of everything, although no one but a genealogist would use "half aunt", "half first cousin" or "half first cousin once removed" in conversation.

You rmom's half sister is your half aunt.
Her son is your half first cousin.
His children, when (if) he has them, will be your half first cousins, once removed.
When you both have children, those children will be half second cousins to each other.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You just put "half" in front of everything, although no one but a genealogist would use "half aunt", "half first cousin" or "half first cousin once removed" in conversation.

You rmom's half sister is your half aunt.
Her son is your half first cousin.
His children, when (if) he has them, will be your half first cousins, once removed.
When you both have children, those children will be half second cousins to each other.

Well, your mother's half-sister would be an aunt to you, so her son would be your cousin.


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half first cousins.

No, you are not first cousins. Your mother was born from her mother and father. Her half-sister was born from either her mother and her new husband or from her father and his new wife, therefore the son of the half-sister is your first cousin once removed. Kind of confusing? OK think of it this way he is your first half cousin. This is the long and short of it. Stuff can start getting real confusing from this point.