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Position:Home>Genealogy> Jackie robinsons???????????????

Question:how did jackie robinson make the world a better place for all people?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how did jackie robinson make the world a better place for all people?

He overcame racial remarks and became the first black player in the major leagues.(Which takes a lot)

That's what he did.

Your question overstates the situation (ALL people...the WORLD???), but what does this have to do with "Genealogy"? You should also give credit to Branch Rickey.

If you think of racism as being a brick wall that divides people - sometimes it divides people with water who are hungry from people with food who are thirsty - he took a brick out of it.

You can use that as an opening line in your essay, but please, do MOST of your homework yourself. You would not get better at soccer (basketball, gymnastics, roller skating, painting, sketching, dancing . . .) by watching someone else; you have to practice yourself. Homework is like soccer practice.