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Position:Home>Genealogy> Elizabeth Montgomery????????

Question:My teacher is making me do a research report on Elizabeth Montgomery. I've never done a reasearch report before (because I'm only in the 5th grade). I have looked on and searched on google but i can't find some of the info I need. Can someone help me? The info I need (that I can't find ) is
*Her reason for fame or notoriety*
*Her education (or did she even get any)*
*And her family (wikipedia doesn't list her family's exact names)

?Thanks 4 the help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My teacher is making me do a research report on Elizabeth Montgomery. I've never done a reasearch report before (because I'm only in the 5th grade). I have looked on and searched on google but i can't find some of the info I need. Can someone help me? The info I need (that I can't find ) is
*Her reason for fame or notoriety*
*Her education (or did she even get any)*
*And her family (wikipedia doesn't list her family's exact names)

?Thanks 4 the help?

one good way to use google.. put the name in quotation marks. add the word 'actress'
filters out many useless hits.

elizabeth monthgomery was SAMANTHA in the Bewitched television series.................but she did come from a famous family too...

Elizabeth Montgomery was born to popular actor-director Robert Montgomery and Elizabeth Allen on April 15, 1933 in Los Angeles, California. As a young child, she attended Westlake School for Girls and Spencer School in New York, where she was known as a bright girl with a big future. After dropping out of Spencer School, Montgomery enrolled in the Academy of Dramatic Arts, much to her family's surprise.

here's some advice. do not use wikipedia! i could go in there and write that i was her mom and it would say that. so yea. use google.