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Question:what do you think about the pregnant man???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what do you think about the pregnant man???

When I first heard about this, I admit, the first thing that came to my mind is....


Then a series of thoughts that said "eew!" "Disgusting!" and "Holy Shiz!"

But as I analyze and realize the situation, I understood what was up. I mean I am an ordinary person who'd think this is wrong and totally out-of-this-world disgusting. But now I understand him (or formerly her). Different people have different needs. This man-woman was never comfortable in a woman's body and I think every person needs to be able to fit in his or her current state to live to the fullest.

Before I really was disgusted by these things but now I understand! I think that this story is amazing and just shows how advanced our time is.

PS: I know he is legally a man, but still biologically born a female so yeah. And duh, he kept his female genitals.

Watch christians (and BTW, I'm one) get enraged....especially the biggest life critic, the Vatican.

The guy was once a woman, that's how he got pregnant

How did he get pregnant? I understand how all the body parts work but how did the semen get up there?

A woman has ovaries and a man has testicles. I read back when Christine Jorgensen went to Denmark to have his/her sex change operation that she would still be a man. They stated you can't actually make a sex change. So they could have removed Beatie's ovaries and uterus, which they didn't, but they couldn't have given him/her testicles, at least those that could begat children like a male.

The could have removed Jorgensen's testicles but they couldn't given him/her ovaries.

As far as one of the above poster's comments, the female genitals are under her torso.That is why mothers shouldn't let their daughters ride a boy's bicycle. They can suffer injury. The male's is in front of his torso. So they could have left the female genitals and added the male genitals.

Now, we will have to wait and see if Thomas Beatie delivers.


[brain explosion]

Its weird and nasty, like he said that the girl was going to be his princess so weird, made me sick

An effigy of Thomas Beatie is on display in Blackpools wax work museum, illustrating the inner phyisiological distortion of the lower abdomen giving the impression of false pregnancy. Another example can be found in Surgeons Hall Edinburgh preserved in spirit. Several examples exist, but none are actual pregnancies

Awesome. But you have to realise, also...XD teens have been ready for this for quite a few years if they are into anime.