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Position:Home>Genealogy> Searching for ALICE TURNER born in Burnley 1921!?

Question:Does anyone know this Lady if she married or had children? Her mother maiden name was Hollins - possibly Hannah Hollins who was married to Charles Turner.

Any info please. thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know this Lady if she married or had children? Her mother maiden name was Hollins - possibly Hannah Hollins who was married to Charles Turner.

Any info please. thanks

Alice Turner was born in the J/A/S quarter of 1921, mums maiden name was Hollins vol 8 e not very clear page 296.
Hope this helps.

you get a free trial on there, i found my grandparents on it :)

Are you sure about Hannah? The one I found married to Charles was born in 1857.