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Position:Home>Genealogy> My husband is 1/4 german & 3/4 italian. I am 1/4 czech, 1/4 german, 1/4 italian,

Question:what percent are our children going to be??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what percent are our children going to be??

Your kids will be:

1/2 Italian
1/4 German
1/8 Czech
1/8 Hungarian

Your kids take half of their nationality from each parent, therefore anything YOU have, THEY will have, but halved.

My kids will be:

3/8 Spanish
1/4 English
1/8 Swiss
1/8 Belgian
1/8 Gibraltarian...

But they will be born and raised Gibraltarian. Talk about mixed blood!

100% Canadian

if you are 1/4 then 1/2 of that is what you kids are. then the 3/4 you are then 3/4 the divided by 1/2 you do like that its great to hear this at least you know sometimes these people dont' know much and its nice to teach them someday they may want to know.

1/4 german 1/2 italian 1/8 czech 1/8 hungarian

they could be anything, now couldn't they?

i dont know ..but ur children will be very beautiful

I don't know that's hard.
Would they come out full Italian and then some?


Sounds like they will have a lot of cultural background.
Lucky them :]

1/4 German, 1/2 Italian, 1/8 Czech and 1/8 Hungarian

this is a math question:
1/2 Italian
1/4 german
1/8 czech
1/8 hungarian

100% of European descent...

German 1/8 + 1/8 = 1/4
Italian 3/8 + 1/8 = 1/2
Czech = 1/8
Hungurian = 1/8

................are confused, presumably!

where you have 4 ancestors listed, your kids will have 8
so 1/2 italian(1/8+3/8 =4/8 or 1/2), 1/8 czech, 1/4 german, 1/8 hungarian.

1/4 German
1/2 Italian
1/8 Czech
1/8 Hungarian

100% European.

100% of what ever country they born into. :D

GOOD COOKS !!!!! I would welcome you into our family in a heart beat. Good stock. And, I mean genetics.

this isn't very pc but technically they are b'stards

100% of course.

100% Kids

If they're Chinese, you've got some explaining to do.

Firstly I would say that whatever your parents are you are members of the human race. Genetically there is no real difference between us. We are all brothers and sisters under the skin. How good is that!!
Europeans are descended from only 7 women and you can read about this in Prof Brian Sykes book "the seven daughters of eve"
Enjoy your kids and bring them up as citizens of village earth, to be happy, healthy and tolerant towards their fellow man.

they will be 100% mongrels.

Why are some people so obsessed with pedigree?


by the law of ethics you take on the nationality of your father - forget the 1/4 this or 1/4 that

ie my father is English and my mother is Irish. I am not 1/2 English and 1/2 Irish - I am English with Irish roots.