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Position:Home>Genealogy> Genealogy...I need help?

Question:Ok, so how does the 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, etc, etc. thing work? How about the "Once removed" part, how does that work? And is there a website that explais all this? Is it really hard to understand?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, so how does the 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, etc, etc. thing work? How about the "Once removed" part, how does that work? And is there a website that explais all this? Is it really hard to understand?

Thanks in advance!
has better jokes.

It isn't hard to understand for genealogists, but we tend to be warm, wise, witty, well-read and devilishly handsome. Also we use it all the time. You normal people will probably forget after a month or two.

Mandarin Chinese, with the tones, isn't that hard to learn, if you use it all the time. I know of 8-year old kids who speak it perfectly. They live in Beijing.

Have a look at this site it may help you.

HA! Ted strikes again! I just LOVE IT!!!

Thanks for the laugh Ted. Your comedic timing is impeccable.
~~ Adair (formerly known as Violet. I decided that since this is the genealogy forum I would use a name that had more genealogical meaning to me, so I adopted my great-grandmother's name Adair).