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Position:Home>Genealogy> 2nd cousin....or what?

Question:Ok, my dad's sister, my aunt, married this guy, my uncle. So, he niece. Would his niece be my 2nd cousin or what?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, my dad's sister, my aunt, married this guy, my uncle. So, he niece. Would his niece be my 2nd cousin or what?


Your aunt married a guy and he has a niece....You are not related in any way to his niece. The only one in your family that is related to the girl is your aunt (through marriage).

Normally, any offspring your dad's sister, your aunt, has are your cousins. If she maries someone with a daughter already, I believe that that daughter would be your normal cousin.
She would only be a second cousin if your aunt's child had the child.

So you're asking what your aunt and uncle's niece is to you? That depends on who her parents are in relation to you. If I understand correctly, this niece is the child of your uncle-by-marriage's brother or sister, is that right? If that's it, she is no relation to you at all, although many families might call her your cousin as part of the extended family.

Cousins (also called first cousins) are people whose nearest common ancestor is a grandparent. Second cousins’ nearest common ancestor is a great-grandparent, and so on.

The confusing “removed” aspect is a matter of different generations. First you name the closest relationship, i.e., cousin. The child of your cousin is your cousin once removed. (The parent of your cousin is not your cousin once removed, but your aunt or uncle.) The grandchild of your cousin is your cousin twice removed. The child of your second cousin would therefore be your second cousin once removed.

She would be no relation at all to you. You have something in common with her, and you would normally be friendly to her. She may even take part in family functions. No reason that you couldn't make her feel like family though.

No blood relation, as others have said, better.

If the young lady was your new uncle's child by a former marriage (or a former liaison with a chorus girl), she would be your step-cousin; again, no relation by blood.

Your mom and dad may have first cousins. If they do, and if those first cousins in turn have children, those children are your second cousins.

Those first cousins (of your mom and dad) are your 1st cousins once removed.