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Position:Home>Genealogy> If there are 600 billon humans on the planet,Which one would you like to better,

Question:Better than the rest.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Better than the rest.

you've spelled billion wrong. and there are 6, not 600. ;-)

errrrrr i think its more like SIX billion.

Only 6 billion just to correct you

If there were six hundred billion people on the planet, rather than the actual six and a half billion, I think I'd be happy with a few square yards to myself.

If there were 600 billion people on this planet, this world would be absolute Hell. We'd all end up eating ourselves (cannabilism) from lack of food. It's 6 billlion

I would be a lot of money that there are far more Nguyen's in the world than Smiths or Jones. But, in answer to your odd question i prefer Franklins.

johnsons-- lol



they are a picky lot in they raybbies, if you want 600 billion humans, you have them it is your question after all. Jones is by far a nicer name, come on the Jones,