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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where would I find U.S. passport information from the 1920's?

Question:I'm researching a family tree and came across a passport on, there is a picture attached but on the back side of the passport page. It dosent show me the picture or the back page. How or Who do I contact to possibly get a copy of this with the picture?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm researching a family tree and came across a passport on, there is a picture attached but on the back side of the passport page. It dosent show me the picture or the back page. How or Who do I contact to possibly get a copy of this with the picture?

All federal records get sent to the National Archives after they expire or fall out of current use. Individual government departments don't hold the records themselves...they all go to a central storage facility to be indexed, filmed and preserved.

So an old passport record will be kept at the National Archives and Records Administration regional center that keeps the records for people who lived in the state where the person you're researching lived. To find that center, start here:


I believe you can get the information you are looking for from the U.S. Department of State. The link below should be helpful for contacting them. Hope this helps!