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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is a maternal grandfather and a patermal grandfather??

Question:It is easy to remember if you think of hillbillies.

MAternal is on yore MA's side (Mother's) and PAternal is on yore PA's side (Father's.)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is easy to remember if you think of hillbillies.

MAternal is on yore MA's side (Mother's) and PAternal is on yore PA's side (Father's.)

maternal means from the mother side, paternal means from the father side.

maternal grandfather is your mother's father

paternal grandfather is your father's father.

Maternal= mums dad
paternal= dads dad

Your mother's father is your maternal grandfather and your father's father is your paternal grandfather.

Your maternal grandfather has breasts.

your maternal grandfather is your mother's father and a paternal grandfather is your father's father.

maternal -referring to your mother
paternal - referring to your father

Maternal grandfather is on your mothers side of the family.. If your grandad would be your mums dad. The paternal one is on your dads side of the family/

It is as Tommy says. Mater is Latin for mother and pater is Latin for father which guves us the root for each word

Maternal grandfather is your mother's father; paternal grandfather is your father's father.

Gods way to prove to us that he knows what he is doing.

Your maternal grandfather is your mothers father. Your paternal grandfather is your father's father.