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Question:what do i put if they ask me what is the ancestry of my last name?!?!
do i just put my ancestors O_O!!!?!?
i don't get it !!?!?!
plz help me before i blow up !?!?!?!?!
*thank you*

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what do i put if they ask me what is the ancestry of my last name?!?!
do i just put my ancestors O_O!!!?!?
i don't get it !!?!?!
plz help me before i blow up !?!?!?!?!
*thank you*

Could you be more specific? Who would even be asking you the ancestry of your last name?

Just FYI, the origins of your last name has nothing to do with your heritage. There are many reasons people end up with the name they have and it may have nothing to do with the original origins of the name. Take the slaves for example. Many were brought to America that had no last name. They adopted the last name of their owners. Therefore ending up with a last name that had NOTHING to do with their family heritage. And, as a result, many of their descendants today still carry those names, but that does not make the origins of their name a part of their heritage. Furthermore, that only represents ONE line of your family (your father, his father, then his father, etc.). It does not take into your account your father's mother's line. Or your mother and any part of her line. Lastly, some names actually had a multitude of origins, and those origins are not all related, so neither is everyone with that last name. Take Johnson for example. It began as a way to identify a person who was the son of John. Now how many people named John do you suppose had sons? Tons of them.

If you tell us your last name, we can look it up. There are also websites where you can look it up. But your ancestry depends on all your ancestry, not just your last name.

They may be asking in what country your last name originated.