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Position:Home>Genealogy> Indian heritage??

Question:Can someone give me a starting point? I would like to know what tribe my great-great grandmother was from. Every document says just "INDIAN". I know her name, DOB, marraige and death cert. But nothing shows her heritage, or where she belonged. She was born in 1836. I'm curious to find out what I can. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can someone give me a starting point? I would like to know what tribe my great-great grandmother was from. Every document says just "INDIAN". I know her name, DOB, marraige and death cert. But nothing shows her heritage, or where she belonged. She was born in 1836. I'm curious to find out what I can. Thanks

Well generally speaking, if she was a full blooded native she was probably born where her tribe lived traditionally. So if you find out what tribes lived in that area, you can narrow it down and contact them to see if they have records of her. Good luck.

Edit: if you don't know where she was born, try starting with the place where she got married.